Last stop on market street summary
Last stop on market street summary

last stop on market street summary
  1. #Last stop on market street summary how to
  2. #Last stop on market street summary driver

#Last stop on market street summary driver

When the song ended, CJ gave the man the coin the bus driver pulled from his ear. Everyone closes their eyes, CJ sees a sunset with hawks, the woman with the butterflies dancing around, and “the sound gave him the feeling of magic”. CJ says he wishes he had an iPod, and his grandma asks why, when he has “the real thing right in front of him” and the man with the guitar begins to play a song. Then two older boys get on, listening to an iPod. The man agrees, and say he sees the world with his nose as well. Grandma explains, “Some people see the world with their ears”.

  • Then a blind man comes on the bus, and CJ asks why he cannot see.
  • His grandma tells CJ that she feels sorry for those boys because they do not have the chance to meet Bobo, or the sunglasses man, or Trixie however, CJ is just feeling sorry for himself. As the bus drives along, CJ asked, why they always have to go somewhere after church because his friends do not have to. CJ and his grandma say “good afternoon” to everyone on the bus. CJ and his grandma sit at the front of the bus, across from a man with a guitar, and a woman with curlers in her hair holding a jar of butterflies. Dennis, pulled a coin from behind his ear.
  • They get on the bus, and the bus driver, Mr.
  • His Grandma explains they do not need a car, they have a bus “that breathes fire” (meaning there is a dragon painted on the side), and a bus driver who does tricks for him. Soon, CJ friend, Colby drives by in a car with his dad, and CJ asks why they do not have a car. His Grandma explains that even the trees get thirsty and compares the tree trunk to a drinking straw. They wait for the bus in the rain, and CJ complains about waiting in the rain.
  • The Last Stop on Market Street begins with a boy, CJ, and his grandmother leaving church.
  • He currently lived in Brooklyn, and teaches creative writing at New York University. The Last Stop on Market Street is his most recent book, which was awarded the Newberry Medal in 2016. Then is completed his Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing at San Diego State University. He the University of the Pacific on a basketball scholarship.
  • Matt De La Pena grew up in San Diego, California.
  • Awarded the John Newberry medal and the Caldecott medal
  • Last Stop on Market Street written by Matt De La Pena, illustrated by Christian Robinson.
  • Both de la Peña and Robinson dedicated this book to their grandmothers who have influenced their lives. Matt de la Peña won the Newbery Award for his text, and Christian Robinson received honorable mentions for both the Caldecott Honors and the Coretta Scott King Award for illustrations in 2016. Last Stop on Market Street is a highly honored book. On some pages, the image takes up the entire page, and the text is inserted into the background, but on others, the image is smaller and on a white sheet where the text is printed. The artwork differs based on the page, especially in regards to framed images or images that run off the page. The colors are very vibrant and add to the energy that Nana wants CJ to see in the city. Last Stop on Market Street was painted in acrylics and complied with collage.

    last stop on market street summary last stop on market street summary

    Because Nana always has an answer to CJ’s questions about why they don’t have something, CJ, and readers, can look to see the sights in life that are breathtaking.

    last stop on market street summary

    However, because CJ wants to have something new and better, like a car or an iPod, many children can relate to CJ’s discovery of the simple beauties in life. These groups often do not have much representation in children’s literature, so this story provides an example of someone like them. This book can be a mirror for African American children, children who live in an urban environment, or children who live with their grandparents. By the end of the book, CJ can see the beauty in simple, everyday sights. As CJ and Nana get off the bus, they arrive in a low-income neighborhood, and the two go into a soup kitchen where they are volunteering. CJ begins to see what his grandmother sees, and he starts to enjoy the trip.

    #Last stop on market street summary how to

    CJ’s Nana shows him how to appreciate what he has in his life, such as the opportunity to make new friends when he is on the bus, like the blind man and the guitar player. During the beginning of the book, CJ is distraught about taking the bus, and he asks about why they don’t have a car or why they have to go somewhere after church. Last Stop on Market Street follows a young boy named CJ and his grandmother as they take the bus into the city after church on a Sunday. Written by Matt de la Peña and illustrated by Christian Robinson

    Last stop on market street summary